The Styles section is where you can configure the branding options and About section text for your LocalMaps.
The left hand section is where you can edit the appearance and style of the Gallery and Viewer. Here you can set a logo to appear in the top left of the Gallery and a logo for the viewer. These can be the same PNG or different depending on what you would like to display.
- App Title: The title that appears at the top of the LocalMaps Gallery
- Background Colour: The colour of the Gallery background banner and footer. This is also the colour of the LocalMaps Viewer banner.
- Font Colour: The font colour for the About Section text and
- Header Colour: The colour of the Gallery header.
- Header Font Colour: The colour of the text in the Gallery Header. This is particularly useful if you are have chosen to use a
- Font Family: Font family that is applied to both the Font and Header Font in LocalMaps.
Once you have made changes to the styles, click Update in the top left to save your styles.
See below for the gallery sections that correlate to the above style settings.
you can define he about text section allows administrators to edit the text visible in the top left hand side of the Gallery. This is where you can provide more information about your organisations LocalMaps page.