Add Search Source
Click “Add search”. The “Search” window will appear. Enter a name, select the Search type Query (if you wish to run the search against a layer) or Locator (if you wish to run it against a specific Geocode service) then enter placeholder for the search. Below outlines options available for Query and Locator Search options.
Query Layer Search
If a query layer was selected as the search type, the following layer details can be set:
- Service: Existing Existing service URL's can be selected in the drop-down menu. This is the feature service layer from which the search is performed on. Multiple fields in the feature service can then be selected.
- Display Field: from From the fields selected when the service was added, the display field to search against can be chosen.
- Prefix: prefixes Prefixes for the search can be added ege.g. U for resource consents
- Suffix: suffixes Suffixes can be appended to the search value
Click continue to configure search behavior:
- Zoom Scale: Default scale when the search is being run against a point service.
- Default Search: adds Adds the search to the default searches. These can be bulk applied to a map in the maps tab.
- Enable Suggestions: allows Allows the user to determine if a list of suggestions is produced when the search bar is being populated.
- Exact Match: determines Determines if the search entry has to exactly match a search result for it to appear in the search results list.
- Show in popup: determines Determines whether search results should appear in Popup / Popup panel.
Click “Finish” Finish to add the new layer query search source.
Locator Search
If a locator was selected as the search type, the following locator details can be set:
- Locator Service: An existing geocoder existing Geocoder URL can be selected in the drop-down menu.
- Single Line Field: the The Geocoder single line address field.
- Country code: the The Geocoder country code.
You can find the single Line Field by heading to the REST URL for your locator. This will outline what field is to be used as your single line address.
Click continue configure search behavior (same as the Query search section) then click “Finish” to add the new Locator search source.
Edit / Delete a Search Source
To edit an existing search source, click on the Edit in the row of the search source. The search source window will appear where search details can be edited and then saved. Similarly, to delete a search click Delete in the row of the search source. The search source will be removed from the table and can no longer be selected by any search bars.
Assign to a map
After a search source has been configured this can be assigned to a specific webmap. To do this, head to the Maps and Apps section. Under the Search tab for each viewer set the following details to assign a search:
- Placeholder– The : The placeholder text in the viewer search bar.
- Zoom scale – the : The extent to which the map zooms when any search is made (more than one search can be assigned to a map)
- Auto navigate – Automatically : Automatically zoom to the feature once a search has been conducted.
The user can then define which Source to use from the drop-down. Searches that had the Default Search ticked during configuration can be bulk added to a map by clicking Add Default.