This Patch resolves the following issues:
Add Data
Issues uploading CSV, GPX and KML data
Cannot switch between NZTM vector and raster basemaps with the same tiling scheme
Basemap Widget does not work if the basemap does not have a thumbnail set in Portal. This issue only occurs for LocalMaps set up against ArcGIS Enterprise.
Draw / Measure
'Show Coordinates' function in the Draw / Measure widget is not working as expected
Measurement values are not showing in all graphics when using the Draw / Measure widget
Continuous drawing does not maintain the measurements after the first graphic
Unable to draw points on top of other shapes when using the Draw / Measure tool
Cannot delete individual text graphics unless you delete all when using the Draw / Measure tool
Bearing text does not display unless 'show segment lengths' is also ticked when using the Draw / Measure tool
When using the fixed line option, the buffer does not always exactly match the drawn line when using the Draw / Measure tool
Sometimes when adding a Text graphic, the editing of any shapes appears to break
If a new Text type is added, the editing of other shapes is affected
Measurements sometimes remain after a graphic is deleted
When editing a polygon, there is no option to edit shape colour only text colour.
Issues displaying Perimeter on shapes drawn
On Tablets, there is no ability to end drawing elevation profile
The Popup panel sometimes displays after a profile is drawn; this overlays the profile itself
Location cross was not cleared when new profile is drawn
When using forced scale in the Print Widget, the preview window still remains fixed on the initial extent and doesn’t re-center when the map is moved around
Print output sometimes does not reflect additional graphics drawn
Layers that have been ticked on or off in the legend, were not being respected in the output
Print Preview Area re-appears after closing Print widget and panning the map
Cannot share non-private or private saved map from the Save widget
Cannot share a map with Graphics and different layers
Extra sign in options are showing in the Save Widget despite not being enabled
Selecting to use the "layer popup configuration" does not work on a search. This option has now been removed from the popup options
For maps which only have one search attached - when you search for a feature, your chosen feature is selected. However, upon clicking another feature, both features are selected (the searched for feature, and the newly clicked feature)
Searching for places on a locator search is not zooming to the result
Unable to click suggested search if search bar is empty
Unable to close suggested search results window
If a search returns many suggestions, when the scroll bar is clicked, the suggestion window disappears
Searching against a Map service does not display popup information as expected
Blank searches can be created (in Admin)
Changing a search service does not update/refresh search fields in (in Admin)
Multiple Selections or Removals (using Shift or Ctrl) do not work as expected
Holding CTRL will not remove features previously selected
Sometimes when using the Select tool, parts of other features were being outlined in red
Firefox and Edge specific: Text is obscured in Select by Attributes when using Unique Values
Google Plus and Twitter not working as expected. These are no longer supported
Switch Map
Switch Map group was not being set correctly in the viewer config.json
Issues with inability to switch to maps unless logged in
Searching in Switch Map pulls in other app, website etc. content from the gallery
Analytics Graph dates are incorrect
Analytics quick date select doesn't work until you re-select a user from the user table
Layers that are used in searches are not displayed in datasources 'In use'.
Feature Queries
NEW - Support for Arcade in Feature Queries
Editing aliases for fields would create incorrect quotations
Issues where only one feature query is returned in the popup panel even if multiple are set
Issues creating feature queries from stored procedures
Issues configuring Hyperlinks for MySQL 2.3
Line breaks were not being recognised in feature queries
No results shown when feature returned from feature query is in a different projection to map
Issue removing a buffer from a spatial query
Issue with keyboard navigation in Spatial and Layer Queries where duplicate fields were generating
Unassigning Feature Query requires having to click checkbox twice
Category URL parameters would not apply when a user was logged in
Issue where no maps were listed on browser back navigation from map details page
Hiding a site from an IoT layer still displays on map from rest service
Setting Class limit thresholds lowers the limits of lower classes
IoT layers in Portal Build of LocalMaps do not create the Hosted Service Correctly
Maps & Apps
Sometimes layers do not display in feature queries tab with the Maps & Apps section
Feature Map Images do not appear in Maps & Apps upon uploading
Existing Reports are displayed incorrectly in Maps & Apps
Layers selected to display in the Layers List widget are not being honoured when viewed in the Map
Query Parameters
Cannot set up new query parameters against Hosted Feature Services
Clicking the ”Request Key by Email” button in the RAMM Module Tab of the admin, does not work correctly the first time it's opened
Dates that were being parsed through from RAMM service were not the same as what was in the generated ArcGIS Layer
RAMM module not pulling in the correct number of features
2019 Windows Servers Date parsing bug
An error appeared in the logs when adding data to RAMM Layer 'NameofRammLayer'
Issues deleting RAMM services from the admin UI
Map elements in the Report Builder are not respecting map layers selected. This was found to not be a LocalMaps issue but was being caused by multiple levels of nesting in a webmap. Please see our Best Practice Recommendations section on best practices when building web maps for Reporting.
HTML tags are showing in Report tables
Layer header name is missing in report tables if a selected feature can’t be spatially queried
Inline maps not showing in reports
Inactive Save Button when configuring a map element
A blank page being added in after each map in a report
Edits made to column width don't apply properly
When report editing, changing the Individual Header edited the main heading too
No change was applied to the Horizontal Table Master Cell Width %: when value was updated
Horizontal alignment for values format is not respected
Adding a new table based on a layer query brings in fields from a previous (deleted) table query
Border style edits are not being respected
Buffer graphic is not displayed on point layers
Issues generating reports with Text elements (if they are ordered above a map element)
Issues creating report tables from a stored procedure
Save button is not enabled even after conditions are set in a conditional report
Editing Table heading causes rows to be removed
Issues using Hosted Feature services for reports
Vector basemaps are not working in Reports. If you have reports with existing basemaps, the maps will need to be resaved as we need to rewrite the JSON that forms the map. This will only work for print services generated from ArcGIS Pro.
XY Point data is not brought through with Conditional Reports
Issues where disabled Labels in the webmap were still displaying in the generated report
Selecting "show intersected area" check box in spatial queries results in no table loading
Zoom scale is not being applied to map elements
Conditional Reports allow you to specify two maps on the same order
Issues deleting Conditional Text Elements
Table Element Database Table Queries do not honor operators for number formats
When using Database queries, changing datasource does not update Table\View\Stored Procedure options
Table heading shows even when no results text is returned
Report maps that use a Print Templates with custom measurements (e.g. as opposed to standard A4 Templates etc) are not displaying as expected. Some parts of the template may be cut off or overlapping other elements.
NEW: We have updated the design process regarding changing column % width. This can now be set in the main table editor instead of in Global Header or Values Format options.
NEW: For Vertical Tables, users are presented with a notification on whether their combined column width is greater than 100%. If so, they must recalculate (enter valid values) to enable save.
NEW: Users are notified that they need to add fields to a table before saving it. Save will be disabled until this is done.
NEW: Updated Conditional Text Display Text to show what has been set for the element
NEW: Editing Column % Width can now be done by dragging to select value ending outside popup closes popup.
Enabled Social logins do not appear correctly in the gallery login dropdown
Issues creating social logins for Google
NEW: Updates have been made to the Splash checkbox text settings and configuration options
Bonus Features
Admin Page timeouts are too short. The timeout has been extended to 24hrs. Once logged into LocalMaps, users can close the tab, open a new one and remain logged in. They can also close the browser entirely and open it again on the gallery and be logged in. If this is still too short a time frame, please contact Eagle for alternative options and possible extensions of this timeout.
The browser tab name will now reflect the App Title rather than “LocalMaps”. This name is set in the Styles section.
Administrators can enable an “Automated login” if only one identity provider is configured. More information on this can be found under Settings.
Specifying search sorting to be alphabetical can be enabled – this does require change to LocalMaps Database.
Category labels now reflect the LocalMaps gallery/app name