Create a Conditional Report
To create a Conditional Report, navigate to the Reporting tab within the LocalMaps administration, click Conditional Reports along the top ribbon and then click New. A Combined Report window will appear where you can fill in the following details:
Report Name: The name of your conditional report. This is what will be visible in the viewer drop-down when a user generates a report.
Report Layer: Select the layer you wish to base the conditional report on. i.e. what the user will select and generate a report from.
Upon hitting Add, you can begin configuring your conditional report. The following details are required:
Report Name: The name of the existing LocalMaps report which you wish to include in your conditional report.
Order: The numbered order you wish your report to appear within your conditional report, starting from 1.
By clicking the Add button again, you can continue to build your conditional report by adding more reports which are based on the same layer.
Before being able to save your conditional report, an orange warning will appear, asking you to set the conditions for the reports you have included.
By clicking the Set Conditions button, you can set the layer query to determine whether the report will be included within your conditional report.
A pop-up panel will appear asking for the following variables:
Layer: The layer to be spatially queried against the source layer of your conditional report.
Relationship: The relationship between your report layer and the conditional report layer.
Buffer: Check the box if you wish to use a buffer around your report layer to use within the spatial query.
Unit: The unit of measurement of your buffer. (This can be left blank if a buffer is not being used).
Distance: The distance of your buffer, in relation to your unit. (This can be left blank if a buffer is not being used).
You can also add additional layer queries by clicking the Add button at the top left of the pop-up. This allows you to create an AND statement to combine queries based on two separate layers or relationships. You can equally, click the Delete button to delete an existing query.
Once complete, click Save to save your layer query. This can be edited by clicking the Set Conditions button again.
You will then be returned to the Combined Reports pop-up. Once you are happy with the contents, order and conditions of your report, click the Save button to save your conditional report.
You can now see your new report under the Conditional Reports tab.
Edit a Report
To edit a report, navigate back to the Reporting Tab and simply click the corresponding Edit button on the report row. Doing so will take you back to the report builder.
Delete a Report
To delete a report, navigate back to the Reporting Tab and simply click the corresponding Delete button on the report row. Deletes will be confirmed by a green data update message box in the lower right corner. This will remove the report from the list.
Assign a Report
Just like standard LocalMaps reports, you must first assign your Conditional Report to a map. One or several reports can be assigned to a map in LocalMaps.
Navigate to the Maps & Apps tab within the LocalMaps Admin UI, select the map you wish to assign the report to, click the Reports tab, and select your Conditional Report from the drop-down.