LocalMaps is a solution product designed by Eagle Technology for NZ Industries. It encompasses all of the power of Esri’s ArcGIS platform configured for specific customer workflows. These include public and internal web-mapping; linking to other business systems such as rating and assets; and all configurable through an easy to use web interface.
LocalMaps creates a central destination to access field mobility, desktop analysis, 3D visualization and Open Data; all powered by the GIS services and data that your organisation already has. It is comprised of three main components:
The Gallery Page
The Webmap Viewer
The Administration tools
This guide will take you through how to use the administration tools to take full advantage all of LocalMaps capabilities. If your organisation is brand new to LocalMaps, check out the following to get started!
Technical Requirements: what needs to be installed in your environment prior to installation.
Functionality Matrix: everything you need to know about LocalMaps - Versions 2.3, 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 (as well as versions now in mature support)
Authentication Methods: what authentication options are supported by LocalMaps.
Terms and Conditions: Full terms of use information about LocalMaps
Gallery Content: See how to index content both general (public) content and Secure Content in your Gallery.