Gallery Page

Gallery Page

The LocalMaps Gallery is your central mapping destination! This page outlines how to navigate the gallery to find what you are looking for.

1.Search: Search for content by title or keyword by using the top right search bar.

2. Categories: Filter gallery content down to a defined subgroup using the left hand side Categories. You can also provide a link to the gallery set on a particular category by appending ?c=<CATEGORYNAME> to the gallery URL e.g https://s3-aws.demos.eaglegis.co.nz/LocalMapsGallery/?c=Feature%20Demos

3. Sort by & layout: Change the sorting of the gallery by Most Views, Title or Most recent. Optionally change the gallery layout to listed or as gallery cards (default)

4. View feature Maps: Scroll through the rotating carousel to see the most interesting or topical maps.

5. Open Feature Map: Access a particular feature map.

6. Log in: Log into LocalMaps using an ArcGIS Login (to access secure content), or social login with Facebook or Google. Once logged in you will be able to save and favorite maps. 

7. Metadata: Click the small green info symbol on each map thumbnail to see full metadata including the item Title, Description, when it was last updated, description as well credits and access use. This page also provides Layer details of what is indexed within this map. 

Additional Links:  Any additional links can be accessed in the bottom footer. 

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