Print widget

Print widget

The Print widget connects the web app with a printing service to allow the current map to print. Users have the additional option to include a legend in print if they wish.

Use the Print widget

1. Click the print icon to open the Print widget.

2. Type a title for the map in the Map Title text box.

3. Select the applicable Layout and Format for the exported map.

4. The Map scale/extent options define the method that the print service will use to calculate the printed extent of the map.

  • Preserving map scale causes the printed map to maintain its scale while recalculating the extent around the existing center point.
  • Preserving map extent causes the scale to adjust to fit the current map extent onto the printed map.
  • You can also force a specific scale by checking the Force scale option and providing a scale. Click current to populate the value with the present scale of the map.

Click to enlarge image

5. In the Print Details tab, you can click to view more Advanced print options.

  • If the MAP_ONLY format is selected, you can provide dimensions for the Width and Height properties in pixels. Otherwise, these values are ignored.
  • The Print quality section allows you to update the resolution of the printed map. Provide an updated value for the DPI (dots per inch) in the text box.

Click to enlarge image

8. Include Legend will be enabled by default. This can be unchecked if need be. Initially, only the layers turned on in the map will be enabled in the legend. To include more layers in your print legend, check the tickbox next to them. To remove layers, uncheck them.

Click to enlarge image

9. After all options have been set with the applicable values, click Print to submit all information to the print service. The panel will flick to the Print Results tab. A progress bar displays next to the executing task.

Click to enlarge image

10. Upon completion of the print job, a link to the print output displays. Click the task to open the file in a new window.

11. Click Clear Prints to clear the print history.

The Print widget itself does not cater for legends that may need to overflow to another page. This is controlled by the underlying Print Service.

If you want to create service that allows for this, check out this ArcGIS Export Web Map created by Shaun Weston at Eagle Technology. This will create a map layout based of an MXD template and webmap input. It will also create a seperate legend page for maps with a number of layers.

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