Basemap Gallery
The Basemap Gallery widget presents a gallery of basemaps and allows you to select one from the gallery as the basemap for your map. The basemaps presented come from a group in your ArcGIS Online organization or portal. The widget will support switching between basemaps with different projections.
In general, basemaps with tiling schemes that are different than that of the current basemap are excluded from the widget. If the default basemap is a dynamic layer, you can switch to either dynamic layers or ArcGIS tiled map service layers. If the default basemap is a tile layer, you can switch to either tile layers with the same tiling scheme or dynamic layers. For the best performance, it is recommended that all basemaps added to the gallery be cached (tiled) layers.
See the following list of supported and unsupported basemaps in the Basemap Gallery widget:
Unsupported basemaps
Tiled basemaps with different tiling schemes
Switch from a dynamic basemap to Bing or WMTS
WMS services
Supported basemaps
Switch from a dynamic basemap to a tiled map service basemap
Switch from a tiled basemap to a dynamic basemap
Switch to OSM basemap
See the following best practice techniques for when configuring your own basemaps to be used in the Basemap Gallery widget:
Best practice techniques
Ensure all webmaps in your LocalMaps basemap group contain thumbnails
Ensure your basemap tiling scheme is the same as your webmap
Use the Basemap Gallery widget
Clicking the Basemap Gallery widget lists all the basemaps configured for this widget.
Clicking a basemap thumbnail sets it as the active basemap for the app.
Click the X in the upper-right corner of the Basemap Gallery window to close it.
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