Save Widget

Save Widget

The Save widget allows logged in users to save a map with additional graphics, different layers or a different extent. This map can be kept private for use again when logged into LocalMaps or can be shared with another user - whilst maintaining the additional information. 

Use the Save widget

1. To use the Save widget, the user must be logged in to LocalMaps. This can be done in either the LocalMaps Gallery, or in a LocalMaps Viewer if already opened. 

  • To log in via the Gallery, click Log in in the top right corner. Log in using either an ArcGIS Named User (ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS), Facebook or Google.

Click to enlarge image

  • To Log in via the Viewer, open a map and click the Save icon. Log in using either an ArcGIS Named User (ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS), Facebook or Google. The viewer will then reload.

Click to enlarge image


If LocalMaps has been configured using IWA, then users will automatically be logged into save maps. If LocalMaps is set up to use your organizations AFDS then users will still be prompted to log into save maps. 

2. Once logged in, the Save widget displays options to save a new map and its contents

3. Enter a name for your map

4. By default, your saved map will be private. Private maps are then only accessible to that user when they log into LocalMaps. Uncheck this to make the saved map shareable.

5. Click Save

6. A new saved map will be added to the save panel along with the date it was saved.

Click to enlarge image

7. If you would like to update a saved map, click the Update this Map (button. This will overwrite the currently saved map with your new additions, layers or extent.

8. Saved maps can be accessed in two ways. First, by logging to the Gallery and clicking on my Saved Maps category or by opening the Save widget to see the listed Maps.

9. If you chose to make your map shareable, you can then click the Share this Map () button. The Share widget allows you to share an app by posting it to your social media account, sending an email with a link, or embedding it in a website or blog. It also provides an easy way to define URL parameters for the app.

Using the Share widget from Saved Maps

1. Click the Share widget icon () to open it.

2. Copy the short link under Share a link to this app and paste it into your email, instant message, and so on.

  • You can also use the provided buttons to post your app to your Facebook, Twitter, or Google accounts, or in an email.

Adding more through the Share Widget from Saved Maps

You can add more on the go to your saved map. Click Link Options to share a URL parameter from the following options. You can preview the URL change in the Link preview box.

  • Current map extent - This is used by default.

  • Click the map to define the center of the map with zoom level - A point icon shows under the option when it is checked. Click the icon and click where you want the map to center in the app. A point marker will be added on the map and the URL in the link preview will be updated accordingly based on the map zoom level.

  • Click the map to define the center of the map with map scale - A point icon shows under the option when it is checked. Click the icon and click where you want the map to center in the app. A point marker will be added on the map and the URL in the link preview will be updated accordingly based on the map scale.

  • Query a feature and zoom to it - Choose a layer, a field and a value from the drop-down menus to query a feature and zoom to it.

  • Add a marker on the map - Click the point icon and click where you want to add a marker in the map. Fill in the WKID, Pop-up title, Symbol, and Label properties in each text box

Known Issue: If you add more to the saved map through the link options (refer below) under Share widget, the link errors. 

Workaround: The workaround for this would be to load the saved map again from the Save widget and then click on the Link options to add more. 

Procedure: Once you have saved a map with drawings, click on the map you want to share under the Saved maps which will reload the saved map with the drawings and texts. 

Then click on the Share button  and start adding more. This workflow will retain the existing drawings along with your additions to the map made through the link options which can be shared to your peers.

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