Create a Conditional Report
To create a Conditional Report, navigate to the Reporting tab within the LocalMaps administration, click Conditional Reports along the top ribbon and then click New. A Combined Report window will appear where you can fill in the following details:
Report Name: The name of your conditional report. This is what will be visible in the viewer drop-down when a user generates a report.
Report Layer: Select the layer you wish to base the conditional report on. i.e. what the user will select and generate a report from.
Please note: All reports within the conditional report must be based on the same report layer and contain the same report template.
Upon hitting Add, you can begin configuring your conditional report. The following details are required:
Report Name: The name of your existing LocalMaps report which you wish to include in your conditional report.
Order: The numbered order you wish your report to appear within your conditional report, starting from 1.
Please note: We recommend including a report in your conditional report which is guaranteed to generate. e.g. a property report based on a parcel which intersects with the same parcel layer. This way a user cannot generate a blank report.
By clicking the Set Conditions button, you can set the query to dictate whether the report will be included within your conditional report.