3.x (Beta) Release Notes
This documentation is to highlight the new features, widget updates and key changes incorporated in LocalMaps 3.x (Beta).
To get LocalMaps 3.x (beta) installed, please contact your account manager or email Eagle LocalMaps Support.
Items are broken down into key areas:
Email LocalMaps Support to ask a question or request assistance.
Gallery 3.x (beta) offers two options to users - open a map in the classic LocalMaps Viewer (v2.3.2) or launch in the New Map Viewer (v3.x)
Moved from Web Appbuilder to Esri’s Experience Builder (v1.10)
Widget updates include:
About - UI / functionality consistent with LocalMaps Classic
Switch Map - UI / functionality consistent with LocalMaps Classic
Draw/Measure - NEW UI and expanding functionality. Limitations on save and export options.
Basemap - UI in list view. Switch projections supported
Print - NEW UI.
Search - UI / functionality consistent with LocalMaps Classic
Zoom - UI / functionality consistent with LocalMaps Classic.
Home - UI / functionality consistent with LocalMaps Classic.
Co-ordinates - UI / functionality consistent with LocalMaps Classic.
Layer List - UI / functionality consistent with LocalMaps Classic (cannot search for layers)
Legend - UI / functionality consistent with LocalMaps Classic.
Adminstration of searches, widget availability, print layouts and templates per map and viewer styles (toolbar colour, font colour and logo done through LocalMaps Classic (2.3.2) admin
LocalMaps 3.x Gallery (beta) uses built in administration tools accessible by logging into the new gallery page.
LocalMaps 3.x Viewer (beta) is configured through the classic LocalMaps (v2.3.2) admin interface. Elements available in 3.x. such as widget choice per map, searches and viewer theming are controlled through the relevent pages and tools in the classic admin.