Title and Header Settings
The Title and Header section enables you to configure and style these elements of the Gallery. Theming options include setting a title and subtitle, choosing a favicon, logo and hero image and adding styling to your hero image.
On this page:
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Application Settings
Enter an Application title.
Click Select to upload a Favicon to display in the browser tab. Supported image types are .png, .jpeg, gif.
Click Select to upload a Logo to display in the Gallery header bar. Supported image types are .png, .jpeg, gif.
Note: To see changes in the live preview, you will need to click elsewhere on the panel for updates to save.
Gallery Heading Settings
Click Select to upload a Hero Image. Supported image types are .png, .jpeg, .gif. As part of the Gallery install, 3 default Esri banners will be available to use if needed.
Enter a Title (optional)
Enter a Subtitle (optional)
Choose the Text colour from Light or Dark
Choose the Text Position of the Title and Subtitle on the Hero Image.
Choose the Gradient colour from Light or Dark
Choose the Gradient Direction to define where the above colour will fade in from