Feature Maps

Feature Maps

Feature Maps are a great way to highlight the most important or topical maps in your Local Maps Gallery. When a map is set to be a Feature map, it will appear in the carousel located at the top of the Gallery page. If multiple maps are set as Feature Maps, the carousel will rotate and display a preset feature image and the maps item description. Feature Maps can be scrolled through by the user, simply by clicking on the arrows on either side of the image. 

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Click to enlarge image

Set a feature map

To set a map or app in your gallery to be a Feature Map, select it from the Webmap drop down then click "Set Feature Map". 

Click to enlarge image

Assign a feature image

When a feature map is set, you will be immediately be prompted with an orange message informing them to assign a feature image. If a feature image is not assigned, the gallery will show a grey canvas in its place. An orange border will also appear around the feature image box. It is here that you can Click to add a feature image, which will prompt you to upload an image file. Images must be jpeg.

Click to enlarge image

Remove a feature map

To remove a feature map, click Remove Feature Map at the top of the page. This map will no longer be available from the Gallery carousel.

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