

Datasources can be set up to read information directly from SQL Server, MySQL, PostGres or Oracle databases. By leveraging LocalMaps Data level integration, you can consume and display related information directly within a layers popup, removing the need to write complex views or overnight processes.

In this section:

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Adding a database datasource

  1. To add a new database, go to the database tab and click “Add Database”. Enter the following information into the dialogue box:

  • Server : Database server name (or if needed, you could use the IP address)

  • Driver: Select server type (SQL Server, Oracle, PostGres or MySQL)

  • Port: Port that the database server is running off (enter only if applicable)

  • UserID: User to connect to database

  • Password: Password to connect to database

  • Enable SSL: This presented for PostGres or MySQL databases only. If your database has been set up with SSL Support, please tick the "Enable SSL" checkbox.

  • Database: Select a database from drop-down

2. You can then test if the database is valid by hitting the “Test” button. If the service is valid, a green tick will appear. If invalid, a red cross will appear and prevent the administrator from saving the database datasource until corrected. For example, a MySQL Database connection might look similar to the below.


3. Once saved, this will be added to the databases table.

Deleting a database datasource

  1. When the are no databases in use, the delete button will be bold. When clicked, the a confirmation window will appear. After confirming yes, the database datasource will be deleted.


Want to surface this information directly in a layer popup? Check out the Feature Queries section to see how!


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