Document toolboxDocument toolbox

Functionality Matrix

LocalMaps gives you the power to create purposeful information products that are easily accessible to your entire organisation. Offering flexible deployment options, the ability to surface information directly from your other non spatial databases (SQL, MySQL, Oracle and PostGres), LocalMaps fits all your internal and/or public facing Web GIS needs.

The below sections outline the key functionality that LocalMaps provides. Functionality breakdown is available for versions v2.1, v2.2, v2.3. Information for v2.3.1 and v2.3.2 is available soon.

Please note Eagle can only provide support for the three latest versions of LocalMaps 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.2.

Previous versions are under mature support as of July 2022.

Click on each section to expand tables.

Email LocalMaps Support to ask a question or request assistance.


Sub Features





Sub Features




Gallery View

Gallery View





Categorise maps





Map searching on titles/tags





View map and layer metadata





Login with Social Login (Facebook, Google)





Login with ArcGIS Named user





Login Using IWA





Login using SAML





Access secure group content (ArcGIS Users)





Access favourited maps





Access saved maps









 Map Viewer

ESRI Web App Builder Map Viewer





Type ahead searches





Allow query parameters in URL, e.g. property_id





View attachments in popup e.g images





Moveable popups















Admin portal





ArcGIS Online/Portal Authentication





Configure Public ArcGIS Server Datasources





Configure Secure ArcGIS Server Datasources





Configure Secure ArcGIS Enterprise Datasources





Configure Public ArcGIS Online Datasources (hosted feature services)





Configure Secure ArcGIS Online Datasources (hosted feature services)





Configure SQL Server database Datasources





Configure MySQL database Datasources





Configure PostGres database Datasources





Configure Oracle database Datasources





Configure Hilltop Server IoT Datasources





Configure SOS (Sensor Observation Service) IoT Datasources










Configure about text





Set up and order categories (utilises AGOL Tags)





Configure Links and Text





Update Style/Theme/Logos





Define viewer logo height









 Maps & Apps

Configure widgets per map





Set feature map images





Use maps in ArcGIS Enterprise Sites





Order appearance of widgets in the map





Configure Print Templates per map





Configure Print Formats per map





Configure type ahead searches





Configure hover on search





Configure search checkboxes





Assign Multi map / table reports per map





Assign feature queries to layers





Assign widgets to open on map launch





Enable Advanced Select per map





Order appearance of feature queries in popup





Assign Add Data Groups per map





Enable Splash Screen per map









Query Parameters

Configure Query parameters









Feature Queries

Configure Database feature queries





Configure Spatial feature queries





Configure Layer queries (i.e to hosted feature layers and tables)





Build smart hyperlinks for feature queries










Register a RAMM Service





Configure RAMM Hosted Feature Layer





Define Sync Interval









IoT Layers (Hilltop in 1.1, 2.0)

Create IoT Layers from hilltop sites (creates an ArcGIS Hosted feature layer)





Create IoT Layers from SOS sites (creates an ArcGIS Hosted feature layer)





Add sites to IoT Layers





Create or import limits for site symbology










Upload and configure reporting templates





Configure report fonts





Configure report queries





Add multiple maps, tables and text elements to a report template





Format reports tables and text





Support for vector basemaps





Create conditional text elements





Create conditional reports





Include XY’s in a report





Generate reports as Word document





Generate reports as a PDF document





Generate reports based on a buffered area










Configure social logins for LocalMaps (Facebook, Google)










Configure search sources (Query / Locator)





Show results in popup





Set default searches





Enable search suggestions





Define number of search suggestions





Enable exact match





Search against multiple fields within a layer or database





Configure a custom popup










Map views





Widget Loads per map





Map details





User usage










Load defaults services (Print Task / Geometry service)





Set LocalMaps Group





Set LocalMaps Report Maps Group





Set ArcGIS Geometry Service





Set Default Map Sort





Set Address Layer (for Mail List Widget)





Set Basemap Group





Set Add Data Group





Enable Popup Side panel





Enable Splash Screen





Set Splash screen confirmation text





Set Print Task





Set Print Layout





Select item types to be displayed in the Gallery









Error Logs

View Error logs







Sub Features





Set about text for a map









Basemap Gallery

 Access to free NZ Basemaps










Add Point





Add Text





Add Circle





Add Line





Add Polyline





Add freehand polyline





Add Rectangle





Add Triangle





Add Ellipses





Add Polygon





Add freehand polygon





Buffer a drawing





Show co-ordinates (NZTM, NZMG, WGS84)





Change Text colour and font





Edit drawing





Move drawing





Rotate / Scale drawing





Show total line measurement (distance)





Show line segment lengths





Show line bearing





Set fixed line length





Set distance units





Show polygon measurement (Area, perimeter)





Show polygon segment lengths





Set area units





Export drawing (GeoJSON)





Export drawing (GPX)





Export drawing (KMZ)










Drawn Line to generate profile





Use Line feature to generate profile










Generate Report





Add Marker





View in Attribute table





Pan to feature





View Related records





View feature queries





View attachments e.g Images




















Control Visibility





Control Transparency





Filter layer List





View Layer metadata









Add Data

Add data from ArcGIS Online Group





Add data from URL





Add data from File (GPX, Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML and CSV)










Print to PDF, Image etc.





Preserve Map Scale/Extent option





Include legend





Define legend items to include















Save Extent





Save Graphics





Save layer visibility





Share saved map





Update saved map





Make saved map private





Make saved map public










Type-ahead search





Search on hover





Tick searches on or off










Select by Attribute





Select by Feature





Select by Polygon





Select by Circle





Select by Line





Select by Rectangle





Zoom to selection





Pan to selection





Export to CSV





Export to feature collection





Export to GeoJSON





Export to Shapefile





Export to GPX





Add marker





Generate report from selection





View in attribute table





Buffer selection





Clear Selection





Summary statistics





Create layer from selection





Add to selection










URL Link

























Embed app in website





Share with current map extent





Share with defined zoom level





Share with defined scale





Share map and zoom to feature





Share map with marker










Use bookmarks from an ArcGIS Webmap





Add bookmark to current view









Switch Web Map

Change to another map





Filter maps









Zoom to Point











WGS84 Decimal Degrees





WGS84 Degrees Minutes Seconds





Convert co-ordinates





Copy co-ordinates to clipboard









Mail list

Create mailing list based on selection





Download as PDF or CSV










Run Geocortex Workflows in LocalMaps


