IoT Layers

IoT Layers

IoT layer can include sites or collections from either or both SOS and Hilltop and can be set to periodically return the latest measurements. When you first create an IoT layer, LocalMaps adds it as a new item directly into your ArcGIS Online or Portal contents. You can then view and query in your webmaps and web applications.  For more information on connecting to an IoT Source such as SOS or Hilltop, see IoT Sources.

In this section:

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Create IoT Layer

  1. To create a IoT layer, click New Layer. 

  2. Choose an IoT Server from the drop-down. If the server has collections, you also have the option to select one. You can also choose to Use all sites from a collection. Click Continue.

For an IoT server to be made available, it must be first registered as an IoT Source. 

3. Choose a measurement from the drop down. If necessary, you can also perform a conversion on the raw output value e.g. converting cubic metres per second (m3/s) to litres per second (l/s). If you chose to use a Collection, the measurement step will be skipped as the Collection has these predefined. Click Continue.

4. Next, you define how each site will be symbolized by setting the limits for each site. Each class added allow you to set the upper and lower limits, the colourlabel and description. This is what will be visible in the layer attributes (along with the site value). e.g. those below 10 (low flow) will be a green point, those between 10-20 (medium flow) will be a orange point etc. Click continue

5. Review the Sites in your layer and remove any if necessary by hitting the Delete trashcan. 

6. Finally, give your layer a name, set the refresh interval and enter your organisation Administrators username and password to allow LocalMaps to create the layer in your content. 

Layer names must not include special characters. 

7. Click Save, to then configure your layer.

For data to be fed into your hilltop layer, the IIS application pool needs to first be refreshed.

Configure Layer

  1. After a layer has been created, you are presented with the Layer Configuration page. Here you can optionally add sites (from the same or different server), change the limits or enable / disable sites from showing in the layer. Enabling and disabling a site could be useful if a site sensor is faulty and needs to be repaired in the field. Disabling the site in LocalMaps will temporarily hide it in the layer.

If you choose to hide a layer, please note it won’t be hidden from the map until the next refresh cycle.

2. Once fixed, the admin can simply re-enabled the site. Sites can also be deleted from this page too.

Edit / Delete Layer

  1. To edit or delete a layer click on IoT Layers in the main menu to return to the main layer table.

  2. Click Edit. Here you can change parameters like the refresh interval or the user credentials

  3. Click Delete to remove the layer from the table and also as a hosted feature service in your organisation. 

View Layer

  1. Click the URL of the IoT Layer to go to the REST endpoint.

2. From here you can check the symbology limits have been set by clicking to open in ArcGIS.com Map

3. View that the limit symbology has been set. 



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