Configure Reports
The configure tab allows configuration of new reports and management of report templates. Configured reports allow you to tailor reports for a variety of needs, bringing together maps, tables, rich text and images . The report name, report template and layer upon which the report is based are visible here. Existing reports can also be edited and deleted here.
In this section:
- 1 Create a Report
- 2 Add Maps
- 3 Add Tables
- 3.1 Layer Queries
- 3.1.1 Table Join
- 3.1.2 Spatial Join
- 3.2 Database Queries
- 3.3 Adding Fields
- 3.3.1 Deleting a Field
- 3.4 Edit Report Queries
- 3.5 Delete Report Queries
- 3.6 Table Builder
- 3.6.1 Table Structure
- 3.6.2 Table Formatting
- 3.1 Layer Queries
- 4 Add Text
- 5 Add Conditional Text
- 6 Edit a Report
- 7 Delete a Report
- 8 Assign a Report to a Map
Email LocalMaps Support to ask a question or request assistance.
Create a Report
To add a report, click New above the Reports table. A New Report window will appear where you can fill in the following details:
Report Name: The name of your report. This is what will be visible in the viewer drop-down when a user generates a report.
Template: Select a pre-configured report template for use. For more information on uploading and using these, see Report Templates.
Report Layer: Select the layer the user will click on in the viewer to generate a report from.
Please note: Upon selecting your Report Layer for a map, you cannot change this layer. Please choose your layer carefully, otherwise you will be forced to recreate your report against your chosen layer.
On saving, a new report page will be created. You are now presented with some additional configurations options:
Export As: The file format of the report which you wish to generate. This can be either a PDF or Word Document. By default, PDF is selected.
Use Buffer: Enabling this option allows a user to define a buffer around their selected feature(s) within their Report Layer. The resulting report will then buffer the Map elements by the user defined buffer distance. Other elements such as tables or conditional text statements will not have this buffer applied to their results.
Once you are happy with your selections, you can now begin building your report by adding elements.
Add Maps
Report elements define the content you wish to include in a Report. Elements such as maps, tables and rich text can be added to a new report simply by clicking Add Element. To add a map to a report, select Map from the drop-down. This will open the map configuration panel on the right-hand side of the page. In this panel, the following map details can be configured:
Webmap: The webmap to add to the report. Once a webmap has been selected, a preview of the map will appear in the bottom preview box.
Place in line with document: Enabling this option will insert the map on a blank page, disregarding your report template.
Print template: The size of the page you wish your map to be presented on within the report.
Title Field: You can optionally select a field from the report layer to dynamically set as the title of the map, e.g. an Address Field.
For those using v2.3.1 there is an additional option in the dropdown to -use map name-. This will allow you to dynamically insert the name of your webmap as the title of the map element in your report. To use this option, you must have a print service that supports dynamic title text - see here for more information around layout considerations:
Use a fixed scale: You can optionally choose whether you would like to have your maps printed at a fixed scale, rather than being dynamically drawn at the extent of your selected feature.
Layers: The right-hand side of the map will display the layers and labels currently turned on in the webmap. Expand the layers to turn on and off layers to include in the Map added to the report.
Click Save to add the map to the report. A preview will then appear in the left-hand panel. This preview will include the Map name and Map thumbnail. Elements can be reordered by dragging and dropping to a new position in the list. Note: If you have a print layout service configured with LocalMaps, then the scales of the output maps will be automatically rounded to the nearest whole reasonable value, eg, 1:423 would become 1:500.
Add Tables
To add a table to a report, click on the Add Element drop-down and select Table. This will open a table configuration panel which will allow you to configure the contents and appearance of your table. Tables added to a LocalMaps report can be either a Table Join or a Spatial Join based on a Layer or Database Query.
Before building your table, you first must configure a layer or database query. The following steps explain how to do so:
Layer Queries
To create a new layer query for a table, click Add Layer Query. A Layer Query window will appear. The following query details can then be configured:
Query Name: The name of the layer query.
Layer Query Type: This can be either a query based on common attributes (Table Join) or spatial location (Spatial join). See below for details on each query option.
Layer: The layer you want to display information from in the table.
No results text: This is the text you would like to display when there are no results returned from the query. The text will appear below the table heading.
Table Join
If Table Join was selected as the layer query type, you can then set what fields will be made available in the table builder. To include a field in the table, check the tick-box next to the applicable field. Number formats can be configured for number fields. If the number is currency this can also be enabled.
Click Continue to move to the next step. Next, you can define the Where Clause upon which the join is based on. The left drop-down defines what field in the query layer matches the report layer. The right drop-down, defines the field in the report layer that matches the selected layer. The lower text box identifies the Where Clause based on the fields chosen. Once complete, click Finish to save your new query layer.
Note: In Version 2.3.1 the Layer Query creation process is ordered differently. First you can define your Query Name information → then your Layer query (setting the where clause) → the finally choosing your Fields.
Spatial Join
If a Spatial Join was selected as the layer query type, you will again be presented with fields to choose. After this, the following spatial query details will be presented.
Spatial relationship: The spatial relationship to the Report layer. Administrators can choose from contains, envelope intersects, intersects, overlaps, touches or is within.
Get intersected Area? Add a field to your table with a summary of the intersected area for a given feature e.g. Amount of Soil Type A in Parcel.
Area Unit: Square Metres or Hectares.
Use buffer on report layer feature? You can choose to use a buffer with the spatial query created for the table.
Buffer Distance: Distance set for buffer.
Buffer Units: Kilometre, Foot, Metre, Mile, Nautical Mile.
Once complete, click Finish to save the layer query. Upon click, you will be brought to the report builder.
Note: In Version 2.3.1 the Spatial Query creation process is ordered differently. First you can define your Query Name information → then your Spatial query (setting the where clause) → the finally choosing your Fields.
Database Queries
To create a new database query for a table, click Add Database Query. A Data Query window will appear. The following query details can then be configured:
Datasource: The Database that contains the table you want to query.
Query type: This can be either a Table/View or a stored procedure.
Table\View\Stored Procedure: The table, view or stored procedure in the database that you want to use in your table.
No results text: This is the text you would like to display when there are no results returned from the query. The text will appear below the table heading.
Include Group by clause: Tick if would like to include a Group by clause e.g. if the database table already has an aggregation field, you may wish to use this count in your feature query clause.
Include Order by clause: This will define the queries are ordered in the table.
Click Continue to then define your Data Query.
If you are configuring a Table/View Query, you can set the following:
Query name: The title that will appear in the Table.
Select: This box will be populated as you create your query from the table fields.
Fields: The fields you wish to display in the table.
Please note: The fewer fields you choose, the faster your report will perform as the query will only search for relevant fields.
You can change the alias of fields by editing the appropriate text box. Fields can be reordered by clicking the dotted icon and dragging the field to a new position.
Next, define the Where clause by selecting a common field from the drop-downs. Continue to review your clause and save the new data query. This will then be added to the main table.
Alternatively, if you are configuring a Direct SQL or Stored Procedure Query, you can set the following:
Query name: The title that will appear in the Table.
Parameter: The input of your stored procedure.
Database Field: The SQL comparison operator.
Layer Field: The field in your layer to compare to your parameter.
Once complete, click Finish to save the data query. Upon click, you will be brought back to the table builder.
Adding Fields
Next, you need to add the Fields you would like to include in your table. You’re table will be empty unless you do this - the options you can select to bring in will be those that you chose when building the query above.
To add a field, click the Add Field button. A new row/column will appear in the builder, depending on which table format you chose.
To select the field to draw information from, click the Value dropdown. This reveals the fields which you specified in your Data Query. If you wish to use a field which is not listed, you must edit your query and select that field.
Your Header value will automatically inherit the name of the field you selected, however, you can create an Alias to be displayed in the table. Do so by clicking the white Header textbox and editing it to a name of your choice.
Once you have finished configuring your first field, you can add successive fields by clicking Add Field and by repeating the process.
For those using v2.3.1, after you finish building your Data query you will then be presented with an orange warning message informing you to “Click Add Field to add data to the table” You will not be able to save your table unless you do so.
Deleting a Field
To delete a field, click the bin icon located beside the Header dropdown.
Edit Report Queries
To edit any report queries that have been configured for existing reports, visit the table element and click the pencil icon beside your table header. Alternatively, if you are using the horizontal table structure, click the Edit Query button located at the top left.
Delete Report Queries
To delete any report queries that have been configured for existing reports, head to the Report Queries tab under Reporting. To delete a report query, click the corresponding Delete button on that row. Alternatively, within the table element, click the bin icon beside the pencil icon highlighted above.
Table Builder
At first glance, you are given several options:
Table Heading: This is the name of your table, which will currently reflect the name of your report query.
Show Headings: Enabling this option will display the Table Heading in a row above your table in your report.
Pencil Icon / Edit Query: By clicking the pencil icon / edit query button, you can edit your existing report query.
Delete Icon: By clicking the delete icon, you can delete your existing report query.
Header: The name given to the header of your row/column.
Value: The field value to display in your report.
Now that you have configured your Table Query, you are now ready to configure the contents and appearance of your table.
Table Structure
The below section includes information on working with Tables in v2.3 and v2.3.1 as there are some subtle differences especially around Table Formatting and Design.
Working with Tables in v2.3
To begin configuring your report, choose the table structure which best reflects the way you wish to display your tabular information. This is located at the top right of the panel.
There are two structures to choose from:
Vertical Tables (This table structure is selected by default): This structure has headers docked to the left, with fields placed adjacent to the right. Each new field is then stacked vertically. With vertical tables, you can also assign multiple queries per table, which stack to the right. This can be helpful when comparing how multiple attributes change over time. e.g. how land value has changed between two years, followed by how capital value has changed between two years.
Horizontal Tables: This structure has headers/fields docked to the top, with a single value placed below. Each new field is then stacked horizontally to the right.
You can switch between your chosen table format at any time, but once you have decided on one, you are ready to begin building your table.
Table Formatting
Within the table builder, we have several formatting sections. These include:
Global Header Formatting: This controls the cell height/width, alignment, font and borders for all headers in the table. This is controlled using the Header Format button, located at the top of the panel.
Global Value Formatting: This controls the cell height/width, alignment, font and borders for all values in the table. This is controlled using the Values Format button, located at the top of the panel.
Individual Header Formatting: This controls the cell width, alignment and font for an individual header in the table. This is controlled using the cog icon located beside each header.
Individual Value Formatting: This controls the cell width, alignment and font for an individual value in the table. This is controlled using the cog icon located beside each value.
Please note: We recommend configuring the global formatting settings first as any changes made to the global formatting will wipe any changes made to individual formatting.
Within the above formatting sections, you have a variety of formatting options, including:
Cell height: This is the height of the cell in pixels. This can be set for headers and values.
Vertical alignment: This relates to the vertical alignment of the text within the cell, whether it be at the top, middle or bottom. This can be set for headers and values.
Horizontal alignment: This relates to the horizontal alignment of the text within the cell, whether it be to the left, middle or right. This can be set for headers and values.
Font: This option gives you control of the font style, font size, boldness, italicization and colour of the font within the table. This can be set for headers and values.
Border: This defines whether an outline is used for your chosen cell within your table.
Cell width as % of total width: This is allows you to set a cell width for the given field or header. This is expressed as a % of the total table width. This allows you to set a different cell width for each field, allowing you to give more space to fields with longer attributes. The total cell width should add to 100%. For example, if you have a header with 25% width and 3 fields, you have 75% to split between your remaining 3 fields. e.g. 25% + 25% + 25%, or 20% + 30% + 25%, etc.
Below are some examples of how to configure the cell width and height for each table structure, with the colour of the arrow corresponding to the button you click:
v2.3 Tables
v2.3 Vertical Tables
v2.3 Horizontal Tables
Please note: When using Global Cell Widths for Horizontal Tables, the Global Header Cell Width % should match the Global Value Cell Width %.
There are some formatting differences between vertical and horizontal tables to be aware of:
You can only set a global cell width for horizontal tables and not for vertical tables. Vertical tables do however allow you to set the cell width for individual headers and values using the cog icons.
To edit a table query within vertical tables, you click the pencil button located beside the query name, whereas, for horizontal tables you click the “Edit Query” button located at the top left of the panel.
Vertical tables have a “Show headings” button which displays the Table Heading/name of your query in a row above your table in your report. This is not an option for horizontal tables.
Vertical tables allow you to configure the formatting for each individual value (e.g. font, alignment, etc), however, horizontal tables do not.
Working with Tables in v2.3.1
There were some new changes in v2.3.1 that have simplified the table design process and mean that the above information may not apply. See below for details when working with 2.3.1 Tables.
Those with Version 2.3.1 of LocalMaps will not have all the same options as above in v2.3. Instead, the Header formatting and Value Formatting will include only Vertical alignment, Horizontal alignment, Font and Border. The Column Width is now set in the main table editor view as per the below images.
v2.3.1 Horizontal Report Table design has a more simple design process. To set the Column Width %, simply click on the horizontal double ended arrows next to the Headers and Values to set the percentage your column width will be. You can also set the Cell Height % here too by clicking on the vertical double ended arrows and entering in you percentage.
v2.3.1 Vertical Table Design also is more straightforward. Similar to the horizontal process, click on the double ended arrows to update the percentage that column takes up in your table. Note that the combined values must equate to 100% or you will not be able to save the table. Cell Height % is set in the same manner as above.
Note that with Vertical Tables, an orange warning message (like the below) will be presented until the combined value is 100%
Add Text
To add a section of text to a report, click Add element and select Text. This will open a text configuration panel featuring a rich text editor. Enter your text, images, hyperlinks or lists, format your text and hit Save. The text element will then be added to the contents of your report.
Add Conditional Text
Similar to the Text element, you can create a Conditional Text element. This allows you to insert a section of text if a specific database or layer query is met. e.g. If my property parcel falls within a flood risk zone, insert a section of text describing the hazard.
To add a Conditional Text element to the report, click Add element and select Conditional Text. This will open a panel asking for whether you wish to create a Database or Layer Query.
Build a query based on the steps above for creating a Database or Layer query.
Once you have built your query, you are greeted with the option to Add a Condition and to Edit the Text associated with that condition. Create a condition using the fields you specified in your query and if the condition equates to true, the configured text will appear in the report. If not, the no results text which you configured previously will appear.
By clicking Edit Text, the rich text editor will appear allowing you to display text, images, hyperlinks or lists. Once you are happy with your text, click Save.
From the Conditional Text panel, you can also Edit or Delete your existing Database or Layer Query, or Delete your Text Condition.
Once your Conditional Text Element is good to go, click Save to add the element to your report.
Edit a Report
To edit a report, navigate back to the Reporting Tab and simply click the corresponding Edit button on the report row. Doing so will take you back to the report builder.
Delete a Report
To delete a report, navigate back to the Reporting Tab and simply click the corresponding Delete button on the report row. Deletes will be confirmed by a green data update message box in the lower right corner. This will remove the report from the list.
Assign a Report to a Map
In order to use the report you have created, you must first assign it to a map. One or several reports can be assigned to a map in LocalMaps.
Navigate to the Maps & Apps tab within the LocalMaps Administration, select the map you wish to assign the report to, click the Reports tab, and select your report from the drop-down.
Please note: A report will only be available in the drop-down if the report layer is present in the chosen map.